Thursday, January 21, 2010

Kill Paradise

Denver, Colorado’s own Nick Cocozzella of Kill Paradise is telling all about how the music of Kill Paradise has grown, new expieriences and hopes for Kill Paradise.

Kill Paradise promo photo

Interviewer: Kathleen Vasco

Describe what Kill Paradise is all about in one sentence’s

Cocozzella: It’s like eating an orange colored apple and then feeling that you may have just found your new favorite flavor!

How were the shows on the EZ bronz tour?

Cocozzella: They were Perfect! Everyone that came to the shows came to have a great time. All the bands on the tour were great. It was good to finally tour with our best friends that we grew up with in Breathe Carolina!

Was there any particular favorite show on the tour?

Cocozzella: Hmm… well they were all great!! It’s so hard to pick a favorite, it’s like picking your favorite child. However, I was really surprised with how crazy the fans were Houston TX. Also the day are CD came out we played Grand Rapids Michigan, that was nuts. There were a lot of people and everyone went crazy. I’ll never forget that!

Say you had the chance to collaborate with any artist, who would it

be and why?

Cocozzella: Oh wow, that’s another hard question. I would love to work with so many artists. Right now I think working with Kenny from The Starting Line would be very cool. He is such a great songwriter and having his perspective mashed with mine on a song would be very interesting!

What is your favorite song to perform live personally?

Cocozzella: I really enjoy playing Radio Arcade. That song has so much going on musically, it is really fun to play. Also I get to rap during, so that is fun!

What song do you think the crowds at shows reacts to with the most


Cocozzella: Definitely RCNK Remix. It has a lot of emotion and energy behind the music and the lyrics. I think the audience feels that when we play it. Sometimes I get so into that song, I go into the crowd to sing with them!

How do you feel your music has changed/grown from Pictures to The

Effect. Then to The Second Effect?

Cocozzella: When I released Pictures I was just kind of just experimenting with recording arts. I had no idea how to independently record or produce. I knew how to compose and write songs, but no clue how to engineer them. “The Effect” was my hardest attempt to write, record, master and produce all by myself. Then, to independently release it. All of it was a great learning experience!

What was the your goal/idea when creating “The Second Effect”?

Cocozzella: To put together a great CD! It has songs from “The Effect” and 6 new songs. It was my first label release so I wanted it to be packed with great music!

10) For Bamboozle Left, what can be expected for your set? Will there be older or new songs performed?

Cocozzella: Just a great time! You will smile I promise! I will be playing pretty much every song off of “The Second Effect”

Has there been any crazy/ first time experiences that have happened

on tour? If so, what experiences has there been?

Cocozzella: Tour is a great time. There have been so many crazy times. On the “Crunk Kids” tour, we went to Canada and that was really neat! I had never been there before so it was great to see something different. The kids there are incredible and just love to have good time!! In some places in Canada they speak French! That was really neat to see.

Is there a message you want to get across through the music you create?

Cocozzella: Well… the whole point of Kill Paradise is to kill the idea of

perfection, and to just be you. I see so many kids these days trying so

hard to be perfect, which is impassable. We are not your ordinary pop

group and don’t mind acting like dorks on stage! We just hope we can put a smile on your face when you listen to us!

If you weren’t involved in music, what do you think you would be


Cocozzella: I graduated from college with a degree in video production and art, so maybe something along those lines. However, I could not imagine a life where I was not doing something musical.

How is the Colorado music scene pertaining to your music project?

Cocozzella: The local music scene here is incredible. It’s really neat because in Colorado it seem like every musician knows each other. It’s bizarre but really cool! The fans here are so devoted. It’s really humbling.

How does it feel to perform with one of your closest friends Bryce

during your set?

Cocozzella: It adds so much! The energy is completely different

from when it was just me. He really completes Kill Paradise! I’m blessed

to have him apart of this!

Is there anything else you would like to say that hasn’t been stated


Cocozzella: Well to my fans, thank you so much for your support and kindness over theyears. You are all truly a pleasure to have in my life! I’m so glad you like my music as much as I do! Thanks!!!

Kathleen and Chelsea would like to thank James from Kerosene Media and Nick Cocozzella for making this interview possible. To find out more about Kill Paradise, go and visit his myspace


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