Name: Shannon
Birthdate: August 16th
Nickname(if applicable): I’ve never had a nickname on Twitter. Many people have tried to give me one, they just never stuck. I’m the only Belle that is not called “Miss”, I guess that’s kind of special so I don’t need a nickname. I will however answer to Rhoda, Scooter, Beezy, Shanny-Bear, and oddly enough….Boo Boo Kitty Fuck?
Personal Bio: I enjoy late night walks on the beach, older dead men….wait a minute….aren’t I technically older? DAMN! Wife and mother, currently unemployed architectural illustrator, Tweetslattern with over 36,000 tweets on my main account, and of course @BillsBelles blogger. ALMOST always in a good mood, which I pride myself on and comes in handy, also I look very good in a bikini.(Yes, I am shameless)What brought you to Twitter? When was that?: I was posting on the Bill on the Brain thread on the True Blood HBO wiki where I met some of the Belles. @BubbaLives said there were RP’s on Twitter for True Blood and you could talk to them. Being the frustrated actor that I am, I made an account on February 15th to join in. I jumped in with both feet and there was no turning back. It’s been one hell of a ride.
How did you choose your @ name?: “S” is clearly for Shannon with “mey” for part of my maiden name and “kunz” for part of my married name. If you know me, it makes more sense. I get a lot of people saying it sounds a bit dirty. Maybe that’s why I keep using it?
Why is Bill your Vamp?: I’d never been so turned on by a book in my entire life when I read “Dead Until Dark”. Bill grabbed me and yanked me in, figuratively speaking of course.(bummer) I’ll admit to being frustrated and angry with him for some of his actions, but all the while I defended them as he made them. I also love geeks and Bill is a computer using, alien movie watching geek. In addition, Stephen Moyer’s portrayal certainly doesn’t hurt this argument. Couple that with fanfiction Bill (mine specifically), throw in a dash of Twitter Bill and VOILA!
Favorite Bill book/show quote: From the book…..I LOVE when he and Sookie are in Bill’s bedroom and she asks him if he will let her get some sleep. He says “Of course I will…In a little while…Eventually.” T to the H to the U to the D! From the show….It’s not a quote, but a gesture of sorts.When Jessica first rises he has this horrified look on his face; one of a man who has just realized he has a ready made teenage daughter. I lovingly call it “Bill’s WTF face”.
Favorite Bill photo: My favorite picture of Bill has always been and forever will be, Season one Episode one, sitting in the booth at Merlotte’s hands clasped. @VampireBill’s avatar(Ya think he knew that was such a panty dropper?)
Favorite character from the books/show aside from Bill: I always liked Pam in the books and I think she is way underused on True Blood. As for the show, can I say this without losing my Belle card? I love Lorena. That’s not to say I love what she does to Bill, but she is a great antagonist for him. Undeath can’t be all wine and roses, people! I think the animosity between them was great and I must say I loved seeing Bill’s Vampy side with her, since we all know he has one. She had a bunch of great lines as well, had me in stitches. Sorry Belles and Bill, but she is the ass kicker Shan could never be.
Favorite @VampireBill moment: I enjoy a lurky Bill. In the middle of the day, if I say something and get winked at or my tweet is commented on, I just giggle. Getting busted for saying and doing things late at night that may be unbelle like is pretty funny as well. This happened recently as @MissCassee and I were having a late night Battle of the Bills and he popped up to catch me wearing his face. I laughed until I cried. That never gets old Bill. My all time favorite…One night I was on the Bill’s Belles account and mentioned I needed to run to the store as I was out of salt, detergent, and cheese. About three hours later I was on my regular account and said,” I know I needed salt and detergent but what was the other thing?” Bill popped up and said, “You needed cheese.” That was hilarious!
What would you like to see happen on Twitter in the off season?: I would like to see some Vampires that act scary and Vampy, do Vampiric things like actually kill people, fight each other, bite. Let’s embrace the dark and twisty, people! Bill has done dark twisty things on Twitter and we all liked it, forgave him, and shifted in our seats a bit. So I say bring it on!
Who is your favorite @ character? (other than Bill of course): WOW! I have a bunch. @JaneBodehouse has always been so good to me, baking me cakes and teaching how to smoke tweed @TerryB_fleur hits on me in a very non-threatening way while trying not to twitch, @SteveNewlinJr makes zealotry damned hilarious, @EatatChowPings because San never stops laughing EVER!, @LordBarren for being my favorite crotchety cartoon knight, and @JessicaHamby my Vampy BFF whom I love with all my heart.
On a separate note…..
I’d like to thank everyone who has supported me in the creation of this blog. It has been my pleasure to inform all of you of funny moments missed, hot pics, TB info, and anything else I have been known to blog. You can all rely on me to keep you in the know, since “It’s what I do”. I love all the Belles (and Bill) and have your backs always. I am thoroughly enjoying the reactions we are getting from our interviews and am so glad we decided to do this. At some point, I would LOVE to interview The Man himself. Don’t worry Bill, I am not interested in what your favorite veggie was as a kid or what your fantasy baseball pics would be, none of that silly human stuff. You intrigued me recently with your talk about a Vampire war in the 1920’s. Fascinating, indeed. Perhaps we could discuss this at a later date. Again, enjoy the blog and PLEASE…comment on it. I love to hear what you all are thinking and would like to see posted in the future. We have many more interviews to come. Stay tuned….