Sunday, September 13, 2009

AHA MEDIA at 2nd Annual LiveBlock Sneaker Drive in Gastown, Vancouver on Sept 13, 2009

At the corner of Abbott and Cordova in Gastown, Vancouver,  the 2nd Annual LiveBlock Sneaker Drive is happening where piles of donated sneakers from Adidas have been generously donated.

This event goes from 12-8pm Sunday Sept 13, 2009. 


This video was filmed by April Smith of AHA MEDIA on a Nokia N95 mobile cameraphone. April is passionate and skilled in making Nokia films by exploring mobile media production through the camera lens of a cellphone. For a better quality version of this video, please DM April Smith @AprilFilms on Twitter.


In this video, Dave Jeans and Tony B of LifeSkills Centre speak about today’s event

This was filmed by April Smith of AHA MEDIA on a Nokia N95 mobile cameraphone. April is passionate and skilled in making Nokia films by exploring mobile media production through the camera lens of a cellphone. For a better quality version of this video, please DM April Smith @AprilFilms on Twitter.


Shoes and other items can always be dropped off at  the front desk of LifeSkills Centre

412 East Cordova Street

Vancouver, BC

V6A 1L6


To see all 12 photos of this event, please see our flickr:

Steve Celestini revient sur la honteuse déroute servettienne!

Ce n’était pas facile de se motiver à interviewer une équipe qui nous a autant ridiculisée mais les EdS ont quand même recueilli quelques impressions de notre défenseur centrale qui nous parle avec sa franchise de la catastrophe du 12 septembre.

 EdS: Steve, c’est terrible de revenir dans l’équipe au cours d’un match pareil.

Steve: C’est sur que ce n’était pas simple de rentrer en cours de match dans des conditions comme celles-ci. On a essayé de recoller en deuxième mi-temps mais quand une équipe, à domicile, cherche le résultat et ferme la barraque derrière, c’est très compliqué. D’autant plus quand on prend un pénalty, je le rappelle, qui est complètement injustifié…

EdS: Nyon avait aussi plus faim. Vous nous donnez vraiment l’impression de commencer les matchs trop confiant.

Steve: Il faut aussi être honnête et reconnaitre qu’ils étaient mieux positionné, plus agressifs, et plus rapide que nous. Par contre je ne pense pas que nous sommes trop confiant. Il suffit de voir le classement. On est loin d’être dans les 5 premiers et cela donne une bonne idée de notre situation..

EdS: Le coach redisait aujourd’hui en interview que vous travaillez tous bien à l’entrainement et qu’il ne comprend pas vraiment ce qu’il se passe.

Steve: Le coach n’arrête pas de nous rappeler les fondamentaux. De bien rentrer dans les matchs, de s’appliquer dans le dernier geste, de soigner les détails. Il fait tout pour nous mettre dans les meilleures conditions.

EdS: Tu as conscience que vous le trahissez en jouant ainsi. Mr Pishyar n’a pas investi tout cet argent pour voir Servette se faire humilier à Nyon.  7 points en 7 matchs c’est indigne d’un club professionnel comme Servette.

Steve: C’est sûr qu’on ne lui rend pas ce qu’il faut. Il ne peut pas être le douzième homme sur le terrain ou jouer à notre place. Il fait tout ce qu’il peut mais pour l’instant cela ne marche pas. On est responsable.

EdS: Sérieusement, Kusunga il a vraiment merdé aujourd’hui! Il nous tue le match!

Steve: Je ne vais pas accabler Kusie parce que des erreurs, cela peut arriver à tout le monde d’en commettre. Il tente un geste qu’il n’aurait pas dû et on sait ce qu’il advient. Manque de chance, il y avait Fredo à côté qui est un renard des surfaces. D’un autre côté, il avait fait la même chose quelques minutes avant et on voyait en lui un grand joueur. Il a de grosses qualités et il suffit qu’il soit un peu plus concentré et il pourrait faire quelque chose de grand.

EdS: Il faut être réaliste,  on a plus rien à espérer de cette saison. Non?

Steve: Mais non rien n’est fini. Il reste beaucoup de matchs et il nous faut ce match référence pour entamer une vraie série positive. On a 2 matchs à domicile et il faut tout casser.

EdS: Et la coupe, vous allez la jouer quand même ou alors cela va être encore le cata?

Steve: Bien sûr qu’on va la jouer. Cela va d’ailleurs nous faire du bien. On va tout donner.

Propos recueillis par Oscar Obradovic


Interview with Honor Bright!

Lets start off with you all introducing yourselves and tell us what instrument you play in the band.


Tim-vocals and guitar.




How long have you guys been a band, and how did you get started?

-We’ve been together for about three and a half years. And we became a band through each members’ previous band breaking up. Here’s the story from our wikipedia page :

Honor Bright first started when Liam DiCosimo and Tim Paige’s post-hardcore band broke up, leaving them without a project. Realizing they wanted to play the music they loved, they started writing new songs that would become Honor Bright. Anthony Merritt had previously played in a band with Liam and was recruited to play bass. Curt Henry was found through an internet post made by Liam searching for a drummer. As a four piece [Liam on guitar], Honor Bright recorded a 5 song self-titled demo and went out on a month long tour of the country. Upon return, they made the decision to have Liam become just a front man and Ryan Gilmore was asked to join and he left his previous band and became the final piece of Honor Bright. The lineup has been the same since.

You guys won a contest to play Cleveland Warped Tour – how was that experience?

-Unbelievable. We’ve all have been to many Warped Tours growing up, and was always something we’ve wanted to play. Getting to play it in ‘08 was overwhelming and went by WAY too fast. This time around we got to enjoy it much more.

What is your favorite song to perform live?

-Home Is A Heartache is always a favorite, mostly because the crowd knows that one best and always sings the words back to us. We love that.

Can you tell us a little bit about this new album you are writing?

-The new album, so far, is a bit different from the last record. But it’s definitely what you’d expect from us. It’s gonna be more of a rock record. Still catchy and poppy as ever, but we’re taking more time to make each song as strong as it can. It’s about half written now and we couldn’t be more exciting about how it’s coming out.

What is your favorite song that you have written so far?

-It’s tough to say, since there’s so much time for the songs to change between now and when we record, but there is a song called “Paperthin Walls” that has become a favorite.

Back in 2008, You played on TRL. How did things change for you after playing on a show with such high exposure?

-There was a big surge of traffic to our myspace that week. We really got a great jump in exposure to people that had never heard of us before. That cooled off after that, but there are still times when we talk to fans that say they first saw us on that show. We are very fortunate to have that opportunity.

You guys were recently signed to Triple Crown Records – how has that been for you? What’s been different since signing with the label?

-Signing to TCR was everything we had hoped for. Everyone at the label is all about doing the best thing for the bands in order for them to reach their goals. They’re not looking to cash in on a trend but build a band to be a lasting presence in the scene. But to be honest, nothing’s really changed. Until the new record comes out, we’re still at the same point we’ve been, fighting to be heard and hoping people are listening to the music we’re making. But we know that our future has more opportunities now that we’re a part of the Triple Crown family.

You went on a tour in July called the Summa Baby Bumma Tour with The Right Coast and Yearling. How was the tour and what was it like touring with the other bands?

-That tour was insane. We had played with Yearling a bunch of times before and love those boys. We also made great friends with The Right Coast. Both those bands are like us and just wanna have a good time. We made friends for life. It was also one of the most well run tours we’ve been on. Every show was a solid venue and kids came out, couldn’t ask for much more.

What is your favorite thing about touring?

-It’s the people you meet. Every town we go to, we usually meet someone that is a solid person and we remain friends with them. A town is only as good as the people that live there, so it’s always awesome to meet good people in new towns.

Who would you guys like to tour with?

-Right now we’d love to tour with Hit The Lights. They had a lot of success with Triple Crown Records and would love to hit the road with those boys.

Who is your biggest musical influence?

-Each member has their own influences and we each bring that into the writing process. Our influences range from Queen to MxPx to Earth Crises and everything inbetween.

What should we expect from Honor Bright in the next year?

-Global domination?? Haha. You can expect us to release the best possible album we can and hit the road as much as physically possible. We’re all about making music and touring, so you can always expect us to be doing lots of those.

Lastly, is there anything you would like to say to your fans?

-Yes. We love you. We know for a fact that we would never have gotten to where we are without our fans. We always remember that and always appreciate that. We love you all more than you could ever know.

We want to thank Honor Bright for taking time out to do this interview with us. We hope you enjoyed it and learned more about this amazing band! Make sure you check them out on their Myspace!! Leave us comments letting us know what you think of the interview!!!
