Click here to read it. (This is John’s promise us). The interview is succint; Brueggemann’s answers are thought-provoking, imaginative, and of course, post-modern as his approach to OT and Theology Of The Old Testament: Testimony, Dispute, Advocacy. For example, he responds
The Old Testament invites the church to a narrative reality that is open, pluralistic, and beyond all codifications. The God to whom it witnesses continues to break open our best ideologies. In worship the church needs to hear and think through much, much more text, especially the parts we find implausible and unacceptable. But that depends upon interpretation that takes seriously the complex refusal of the text to be ‘explained.
This ‘problematic’ presentation of God testifies against all of our ‘cozy’ notions of faith, liturgy, piety, doctrine, and morality. The Old Testament and its God is to be received only in dispute and contestation. It constitutes a wake-up call against complacency, easy conclusions, and dumbing down in faith.
A post-modernist or post-colonial reading of Scripture is profitable to combatt all non-sensical hermeneutics and fixed interpretations and meanings which often defer the Text to speak in its voice. I remember reading Brueggemann’ Theology Of The Old Testament: Testimony, Dispute, Advocacy in an OT theology course in seminary my understanding of God and his Word were about to look different and evolved as it is today . I was convinced Brueggemann was right in most of his theological-imaginative assessment and interpretation of Scriptures.