Saturday, October 17, 2009

Breakfast at Sulimays: Old people reviewing music

You’re probably familiar with the reviewing concept. Well, this is a new take on this. Let me explain.

Meet Bill, Ann and Joe. They’re from Fishtown, Philly. And yeah, they eat Breakfast at Sulimay’s. But they do more than just eating breakfast; every episode they review the latest (indie) tracks. And yes, they’re not scared to speak their minds. Other thing that’s interesting about them; they’re some old music lovers. It’s irrelevant, useless, silly, but in someway really refreshing, because those people don’t know what’s hot and what’s not.

Joe’s my favourite, he seems quite clever. I wish he was my grandpa. Ann’s great for the one-liners. And Bill.. I don’t know what it is with Bill..

Ooh right.. some episodes:

The latest; breakfast crew thinks MGMT’s video is dreadful:

The famous Animal Collective episode:

check out more on YouTube, don’t forget to check out interviews that Joe has done with bands such as The Fiery Furnaces!