Last month I had an opportunity to interview DJ, producer, and Stones Throw Records label founder Peanut Butter Wolf in Brooklyn. For a person who is a friend a collaborator with the likes of Madlib, MF Doom, and the late J Dilla he betrays none of the affectations of fame. To start he switches off his Blackberry (yup, not the other one) during the interview. His consideration extends to the frankness with which he answers my questions many of which concern the music industry. He was also generous with his time in both granting the interview and time afterward to shoot still photographs. This same thoughtfulness in approach to an interview is most obviously present in the music label that he operates and the records it releases.
A week after I conducted this interview El-P announced the indefinite hiatus of Definitive Jux. This announcement alone puts paid to the notion that it’s only the major record labels who are wobbling. Few people buy music and many freeload it. This behavior has completely wiped out the financial model of major and indy labels alike. Stones Throw isn’t immune to the market either. Peanut Butter Wolf admits 2009 was a financially difficult year despite somehow managing to keep all ten of the label’s employees on staff. Difficult though it may have been they still managed twelve releases in 2009 including Mayer Hawthorne’s A Strange Arrangement, James Pants’s Seven Seals, and Madlib’s Beat Konducta Vol. 5-6: A Tribute to Dil Cosby & Dil Withers Suite to name just three. Twelve records in one year is alone impressive, but to put out strong records by a diverse roster of talented artists is one reason I believe the future looks bright for Stones Throw in an otherwise miserable market.
Below is the video interview that I conducted with Peanut Butter Wolf for Ford Models TV.
Who am I? I’m a nobody, that’s who! I’m just one of the legions of fans of music, worshiping at the altar of Rock. Occasionally, I take it upon myself to write some fan mail, to remind those Idols of Rock that they are truly awesome (like they need reminding, right?). The best of them write back, and that makes me happy. Very happy. Happy like this happy face: ^_^
That’s the face I made when I saw this.
So, imagine, if you will, how happy it made me to find that Tim King had replied to a Fan Mail I had written him. Then, imagine, if you can, just how much happier I was when he invited me to do an interview with him!
Tim was an absolute delight to talk to, and I hope you enjoy this interview as much as we did.
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Angell: Let’s start with some vital statistics: your birthday, height, any piercings, tattoos, birthmarks, interesting moles? Go on, don’t be shy. TIM: B’day is Nov 23, height is 6′3″, nose and nipple piercings, nothing else too interesting…
Angell: Do you own any pets? TIM: I have a cat and some salt water fish tanks.
Angell: What is your favourite book? Movie? Song that you (co)wrote? TIM: Book – The Dirt, Movie – The Warriors, Co-written song – Prolly our SOiL song “The One”.
Angell: Any resolutions for the New Year? TIM: Not to take things so seriously.
Angell: What do you like to do when you have a spare hour or two to yourself? TIM: I like to write music, but if that isn’t flowing, then I relax and watch TV or play on the stupid internet.
Angell: Best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? TIM: Don’t think you’re gonna be rich and famous… without hard work and luck.
Angell: Do you play any other instruments? What were the defining factors in choosing the bass? TIM: I can play some guitar and piano… can sing a little… I just loved the low end of the bass, it’s such a sexy instrument. That, and it’s so underrated, I always favour the underdog.
Angell: People talk all the time about the bands and songs that influence you as an artist. What, or who, are your greatest non-musical influences and inspirations? TIM: I would have to say my Dad is a huge inspiration to me. I also admire artists quite a bit. It’s crazy how they can create things you can see and touch, rather than what I do is to be listened to.
Angell: It has been about ten years since you came together to focus primarily on SOiL. How much has changed in that time? Does it feel different? Do you feel different? TIM: So much has changed. We were kids when we formed. Now we are all grown up (a little… lol). But you just realize that you have more priorities and responsibilities. Music is always the heart and soul of what we do career-wise, but we have always had to re-evaluate what we do along the way to the current state of the business and just life in general.
Angell: In a 2002 interview, you talked about getting bored when you’re not on tour, and suggested that you might feel differently once you’ve been doing this a while. Do you still love life on the road? TIM: The road is a love/hate situation. When you are there, it’s like “I need a break and want to get home”. When you are home you get that itch to go out and play live. Music is a passion and a fire from inside. It can’t just be turned off.
Angell: What are some of the biggest names you’ve toured with? TIM: So many… Ozzy, Rob Zombie, Motörhead, Staind, Godsmack, Shinedown, 10 Years, Sevendust… They were all super cool. You really realize why they are as big as they are. They are all down to earth and hard working great musicians.
Angell: Tell me about standing in for Dope’s bassist on your Australian visit. What was the experience like? TIM: It was awesome. I haven’t really played in another band since we formed SOiL in 1997. It was great to play with a different band and different musicians. I had a blast. It was a great time. I think I pulled it off, for having a week to learn all the songs! Angell: How did it come about that they asked you to stand in? TIM: I don’t know the whole story behind it. Edsel and I are friends and he called me up one day while we were in Europe and asked me if I’d play bass for Dope for some USA gigs and the Australian tour. So I spent my free time in Europe listening to and learning the songs and then had a couple days at home to practice. We had two rehearsals as Dope and that was it. I tried to do the best I could in the little time I had. It was fun to play with those guys, I’ve always liked their music and stage performance. It was a lot of fun.
Angell: What did you think of the land Down Under? Did you get a chance to see any of the sights? TIM: I was disappointed to not see the Great Barrier Reef, being such an ocean nut, but Australia was awesome. I loved the places we visited, and the people were super-cool. Angell: Does SOiL have any plans to return to Australia, perhaps headline their own tour? TIM: We would love to come back!! If not on this album, then the next one for sure. It would be great to play the festivals next time. One of my goals as a kid was to visit Australia, it was an amazing time.
Angell: What do you have to say to people who post comments like “Picture Perfect is atrocious, musically, lyrically and the cover is even worse.”? TIM: I say: “well at least you listened to some of it and looked at the cover”; and also, “if you can do any better then do it”.
Angell: What question do you get truly fed up with answering all the time? TIM: How did the band form?
Angell: Conversely, what question do you wish interviewers would ask you, but they never do? TIM: “What do you think bands could do better?”. Angell: What do you think bands could do better? TIM: Practice more, and write better songs. I think young bands get too wrapped up in the thought of the “rock and roll lifestyle”, and don’t concentrate on the real reason we all should be doing this: the music. I can’t tell you how many long hours and countless nights we spent in the rehearsal room or recording studio to get things right. And jackass with a mic or a guitar can get on a stage and act cool, but it takes a lot of hard work and practice to really rise above the rest.
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I want to extend my sincerest and deepest thanks to Tim King for participating in this interview. Thank you so much for the time you put into answering my questions, I am eternally grateful.