Name: Kawai
Birthdate: March 11
Nickname(if applicable): K., K-bug, Annie, Ally (laughs)
Personal Bio: Mother of two amazing little boys 3 and 6 years of age, I help plan fundraising galas for nonprofit charitable organizations. I became a fan fiction writer on a whim and it basically took off from there. Started off as a Southern Vampire Mysteries fan and quickly became a TrueBlood fan. I am a klutz who loves to cook…and eat. Basically, I’m a lot like my rp character on twitter- bruises and all. Just without the wings or…*sad face* Ferrari Enzo.
What brought you to Twitter? When was that?: As stated earlier, I write fanfics, specifically a Bill Compton one in my “Family” series. Started communicating with a fellow writer, @smeykunz and we quickly became friends. She told me about Twitter and I became curious and joined in February of this year (few days after Valentine’s day- *Sigh*). Thought it was the dumbest thing in the planet to be honest. All I did was update my status for a few days…LAME! Told Shan this and she finally explained it to me…I have to follow people. LMAO
How did you choose your @ name?: My sign on for my fanfiction is dontkawai, so I kept it for simplicity reasons. And let’s face it- I’m not that creative.
Why is Bill your Vamp?: I always thought of him as someone who truly wanted to be a good individual whether it was in his human existence or his undead one. I don’t particularly care to see him end up with Sookie but I would like to see him with someone good that he can be himself with.
On a side note, I hate it when people paint Bill out to be the most horrible person ever for lying to Sookie about the real reason why he came to BonTemps. He obviously loved/ loves her, just screwed up by not telling her the truth. He’d die for her without hesitation which says something about his character both on the show and in the books. Just sayin.
On the flip side: Saint Bill…*Gagging* Not a big fan of that either.
Favorite Bill book/show quote: Book-“I have no intention of stopping” /Show- “Uh oh” and “I have Frescas”- I like the funny ones.
Favorite Bill photo: Um, smirking one. Pick one…it’s all good.
Favorite character from the books/show aside from Bill: Eric- 6’4, Viking warrior, very naughty with a quick wit- nuff said.
Favorite @VampireBill moment: Anytime he takes a shower or tells a story. Um, when he says, “Good evening, Miss Kawai” *Laughs* Yeah, I’m a dork.
What would you like to see happen on Twitter in the off season?: For one thing, I’d like Twitter to work consistently. Other than that, I’d like all of the rp’ers both original and TB/Book to expand on their characters outside the box that is the show while remaining true to their persona. For those who know me, HUGE fan of alternate reality.
Who is your favorite @ character? (other than Bill of course): I like so many of them it’s hard to really say. If I tweet with you consistently I basically like you. There is one character that I will always look to see what their tweets are when I sign on though… *blushing* Erm…no comment.
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